Monday, October 29, 2012

HIND KISHAN MAZDOOR PARTY & HIND KISHAN SANGTHAN: Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the lat...

HIND KISHAN MAZDOOR PARTY & HIND KISHAN SANGTHAN: Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the lat...: A Visit to Sonia Gandhi's Birth Place; Yes, I am speaking here of Sonia Maino, the alien, non-Hindu widow of the late Rajiv Roberto Gand...

Friday, October 26, 2012

yogeshsaxena: Hangout with Shri Narendra Modi

yogeshsaxena: Hangout with Shri Narendra Modi

Judicial overreach enchroachments Versus litigants abrogation subjugation: TRANSFER CORRUPT JUDGES FROM HIGH COURT AND REQUES...

Judicial overreach enchroachments Versus litigants abrogation subjugation: TRANSFER CORRUPT JUDGES FROM HIGH COURT AND REQUES...: I Yogesh Kumar Saxena Advocate Allahabad High Court AFTER MY 38 YEARS OF PRACTICE AT ALLAHABAD HIGH COURT with the profound bleeding a...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


India having influx of spirituality, rolling reverse like ocean, snow carpets and greens forest with the doctrines of immorality of soul the existence of supervising God as highest. The undying vigor and indestructible life is passing through the greed of corruption necatism and invasion with in itself a chaos confusion murdering fellow citizen just to satisfied the carnal desire has become the seenarrow  to the masses . The problem in absence of national integration and loyalty of the citizen has become more complicated, more momentous due to diversification of the different, many segmentation of race hatred religion phantasm geographical and linguistic division. India is a country of Aryans Dravidian Tartar Turk Mogul and European with wonderful conglomeration of language and due to such differentiation, one in enjoying the ruling upon the exploitation of others.
            The raise difficulty, social difficulties are hindrance in unifine  power of   integration , the body of individual is degraded by the disease of lower vitality and its germ have entered and thrive in multiplicity . It is viragos. Thus we must go to the rout of the disease and cleanse the blood of all impurities. Our regeneration of national mind in the knife current will only annihilation for political and social impairment, to which spirituality can transform the good effect by self incarnation.
            We are borrowed a system alien to its governance, a system, the foundation of which are based upon the division the effort, masses, opportunities and wisdom, Can we expect any change without sacrificing our privilege which are enthuses to the fraternity of any individual citizen. The Gap between individual is wisdom due to non performance of the dirty while the custodian of the power and diversification of objective of the survival . we will have strong co-ordination with efficient administration. May not be carved out in the process of living, no change in the present situation may be anticipated. We fought our struggle for independence on the noble ideals of spectacle awaking but gradually by the process of the time, we have shown our characteristic that we are the hard of the animals who may require external subjection. It is the fear of loss of the power which make the individual more corrupt as to accumulate the well disproportionate to his a potential thus the sprit of the hoarding is directly reheated with the absolute power. Our tradition have soon that the ruler may not enjoy the privilege for living inside the palace but he may control the decorated identify of the king by living inside the hut like the sage. Where has gone this concept of ruling by Chanakya over Chandragupta Maurya . The king was not allowed to marry a girl of his choice but the national interest was discarded Sita from the leaving inside the palace when she is the existence of those day philosophy propriety scarifies and sincerity toward the nation.
            The dawn of independence has been the gradual relaxation on the radical innovation of having the plea of  status Que. being ulcerated in the process of judicial approach . The dawn trodden class of citizen have started representation without even filing the complaint out the redressal of their grievances from the highest court of our country in the format of public interest litigation /so action litigation. What happened after the retirement of Justice V. K. Krishna Ayyar, Justice H. R. Khanna, Justice P.N. Bhagwati and Justice Kuldeep Singh, where are the existence of the remembrance to generating the impression of the gratitude’s shown by the last British Chief Justice Justice Mutham tendering apology in the open Court before the …………… as his lordship was not accustomed with  the bearing/ putting  of the / garment on his head/headgear/ Cap inside the Court Room, which was actually for paying the respect to the temple of the court and judicial system therein.
            The religion is fight quit apparent which fourthly the belief  that it is only the fear psychosis in which the nature of an individual may be molded with discipline .The process of elevation of the judges to the Hon’ble High Court and the Hon’ble Supreme Court become an hierarchy of the succession . The individual who has never undergone the struggle for existence and the survival for whom was not the matter of the chance of beginning the san of a judge or a prominent lawyer, does not know the dimension of the pain suffered by the individual advocate in presenting a case and in exposing the cause of the litigant , thus this hierarchy based upon the inheritance  of the professional  acumenship is detrimental in the interest of the judicial institution which is founded on conscience and sensitivity. How many judges are working by taking the pain in the process of carving out the relief to the litigant or we have adopted a system in judicial discipline which is based on authenticity and personal prejudice due to the inferiority complex derivable in the individual immediately after being alleviated as the Judge of the High Court .The individual who has not worked with delegations may never amendable to the listing of the individuals Advocates having more potential than that of the judge presiding over the Court . It is the cause of the litigant which should have give the due prominence, respect and adjudication of his cause must be done with sincerity not in casual manner as the litigants cause is supreme inside the court of law.
            The other aspect of the picture to weed out the prevailing melodies is by having the accountability of the individuals responsible for their dereliction in due discharge of their duties which has compelled an individuals to resort his setter inside the Court of the law. Nobody should have been expired n the society who commits the mistake by virtue of it right of other persons may be affected. He may be a politician adhering the seat of the head of the Government or he may be the Judge of the Hon’ble High Court and Hon’ble Supreme Court or in the third intense the executive assign with the responsibility but the rule of law may have predomination thus nobody should have been spared who provides the injuries to the other individuals otherwise the country may not be saved in legislator.
            The valuable saying of our Hon’ble Chief Justice of India Mr. V. N. Khare and the senior most Hon’ble Judge Of Supreme Court Hon’ble Justice S. Rajendra Babu that it is the duty of the court to maintain the decorum as no one may feel announce due to the conduct and behavior of the Judge, presiding over the court and thus if the contempt is committed by the Hon’ble Judges, they  are equally responsible.  
            Dissipation leads to depression ,boredom ,anxiety grumpiness and self distraction. We began to savoir a new cocktail of emotion. Urges are natural. Lose are artificial .A desire for something screener than a desire fulfill there is a mystery of unknown experience. The person to unravel perpetuity sheds novelty, economic, social and legal fray the adage of sharp instinct but its stuff remains the same. This is all die to the resign that the individual beside instinct, he is blessed with wisdom.
            Fascination is a strong human character .Age is of no significance a subtle under current could take the form of a strong wave of desire. Since human being is subjected to daily criticism, rude comments, lack of appreciation and respect from the environment, he starts feeling the need for mantel compatibility and to look on to mental emotional solace.
             Since time immemorial , man has been feared of the events that lie beyond the general purview of human understanding . Fear can often stem from stance of the most unlikely of things like love. Actually fear, is infect a sort of response to the stimulus which might stem from any object in the environment, aroused from the instinct of self reservation, escape, avoidance or of dangers. If after persisting all type of fears, one would be healthy, I fear not. The sensory reaction may keep us alive. It is a deference mechanism forever survival. The mind is so fragile that at any movement, one can cross over the barrier of moderation to an elevated degree. Although most people failure with the increase tension and desire to flee, that accompany fear, fem release that fatigue worry in decision and over sensitivity may be disguised manifestation of fear. A brave person is not one, who experiences is no fear but the one who acts courage, despite fear.
            In the human microcosm, there can not be a single wave in the mind stuff unconditional. Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails, the wisdom comes. The most in congruous is jumping of idea without connection. This is the resign that we all are grown up children.
            There are certain questions as together the jeans persist to perpetuate corruption or the necessity is the mother of corruption, which could not be swallowed through enlightenment of the broad day light. The question arises who is responsible for our surrounding which is based on the foundation of the corruption still than we can desist it as known accepted phenomena of life. Actually the corruption is now so intermixed in our blood and our scenes have become so crippled to react, the spectacles may have no side effect to eliminate the process of disintegration and degradation, it is acting like a pesticide and feeding the entire system on the basis of which the foundation have themselves lost their significant.
             An iron cage is surrounding to ourselves. People are living in suffocation. The cage is indestructible. It has no ventilation. People are suffocation. One may shout louder whether he may be doing good turn to the inmates having sound sleep. People are inconvenience. If we go on convincing them, the next day they will speak what they had spoken earlier, thus by raising our voice whether we are doing any good turn to them. Since there is no refutation for hopes as hopes are belonging to the future, one-day a single day light may shallow our darkness. This is the resign I may keep on writing the article.                    


               IS IT DEMOCRACY
Napoleon  Bonaparte said; “The crown of France was rolling inside the gutter, I simply picked up it, and put on my head”. The religion and caste division amongst Hindu were being exploited by the invaders. British’s sponsored the  policy of  divide and rule while  politicians adopted a policy of the divide and spoil for their narrow gains  in spite of the fact that it may be a threat to the nations unity and integrity of our country.  Now nobody is looking forward to the vast problems of poverty, ignorance and disease.  The divisive it forces of caste & religion imbalances through  strong and resurgent  India.
Battle of Panipat and battle of Plassy were not fought due to such divisive forces on the caste line but they were  conquered by making ourselves slave to our destiny by different dynasty. Excellence and social equality with greater attention to socially disadvantaged minority group  was essentially required to be given pre- dominance to check up global economic scenario annual.  There is no leadership of extraordinary commitment and alertness as in accordance with the changing emergence of technological and intellectual impact on our society, but there is role entrepreneurs invigourous wealth creation through a radical change inn our character .  Let us be confined to a classless society in which there may not  be any appeasement or reservation except the excellence in respect of our performance.  Unfortunately the traitors inside the country has provided still worsted shadow of darkness by an eclipsed sun.  The people of whole country was  suffering from a poignant pain of agony.  The universality of which carries  in it a great dignity of consolation we have promulgated  the undesirable elements in our population coupled with corruption, cruelty, callousness and a complete disregard of public welfare, which  is flourish able poison in the air. With confounded speculation  of India’s starvation; a terrorist decade of oligarchy and anarchy having appeasement party politics as antithesis to creativity and potential, which has provided an obstacle to our inherited great stilled splendor intelligence with our super entrepreneurial spirit of cultural heritage to naught with intellectual apathy, I have risen to the occasion with profound bleeding at my heart to fight against compulsive gamble bent upon ascending our invaluable legacy providing to be caricature to our noble democracy. We the India’s having 15%of world population and 54% of illiterate citizens of the world are having only 1.5% of world income going down word trend in the list of exporting country from 16th place to 45 place with less them ½ of world to list traffic after 60 years of independence. Despite best ecological conditions and environment and natural resources we are amongst the 10th corrupt nations of the world. Scam of corruption, like Fodder Scam in Bihar, Harshad Mehta Scam, Cobbler Scam of Maharastra, Ayurvedic Scam in U.P., letter of credit Scam in Assam with 700 cases of corruption pending with C.B.I. is our identity. At least 40,000 criminal cases of kidnapping, murder, rape, gangsterism and Mafia Rule spreading the fear psychosis without having the printed proforma of F.I.R. and charge-sheet are the glorious instances in one State of Bihar, which is spreading the fire of greed and fears psychosis upon its people. About 240 public sectors enterprises by Union Govt. And 700 public sectors by the State Govt, are providing black hole in National Economy. The money guzzlers are extracting an exorbitant prices for Indian doctrinal socialism. The State of mobocracy in the strife of moral decay with facet of indiscipline, corruption and castism divisiveness with communal hatred, linguistic fanaticism, regional fancy and caste loyalty have provoked the conscience of patriotism. About 120 millions cases pending in the different courts without any probable disposal, within a considerable time period may further provide the loss of country’s valuable potential. 25 north country global phenomenon are having only ¼ of world’s population having 70/ of wealth, 80/ of trade, 90/ of industries and 99/ of finest and most advanced research centre are having their vast potential. They started giving  benefit of donation received through begging, but our country’s politicians have set up to regeneration of corruption through these donations. Thus keeping away from realities in allowing to perpetuate the corruption by dishonest opportunity and with caliber are ruling over the nation. State Govt. was spending Rs. 1,11,96,000/- during Miss. Mayawati chief minister regime on the security of V.I.P. every month against whom the allegation of misappropriation of Rs. 5000 crores were levelled in one public interest Litigation which were published in News Paper. This is all just to provide and boost the political career by our politician.
The collusion Govt. of India and Govt. of U.P. having ideologically antagonistic with its alliance is a heterogeneous conglomeration of disparage and disparage interest designed mainly to hedge the power against interest of common citizen. Our thrust with destiny  as boosted by our leaders at the time of independence has now been scattered into pieces, sheltered into the extinction of hopes and abrogated and subjugated with the misfortunate scenario of our prophesier democratic set up of the Country. The doctrinaire ethics of democratic values and conceptual phenomenon of so called socialism and secularism being antithesis to social justice and religious sentiment has further deteriorated the very foundation of our country solidarity amongst the citizens. We have formulated utopian empire which is having no existence. This is on account of our character assassination which is resultant into a wild fire meant for destroying the very fabric of our integrity and existence. Can we claim to enjoy our independence.
Can we protect our nation from such anarchic situation. The answer convey the only recourse to be adopted i.e. the enforceable fundamental duties and strict discipline required to be implemented. Whether the army personnel deployed for protecting the Nation may not be assigned to fulfil the uphill task of providing a check to internal insurgency. Can still we enforce the necessity of maintenance of the strict discipline required to maintain by the Army personnel and not be our leaders, who have taken over the command like a diplomatic monarch in our country. Let us examine some of the drastic problem which has become the root cause of erosion of the traditional values of our culture.
Political parties are gripped to below with the wind and bend with the glass. The collusion Govt. emerged at the state level



India has now been engulfed by the fire of hatred among the citizens, by the fire of scam and corruption amongst bureaucrats, by the fire of greed, lust and passion through politician and this is a paradise lost to perpetuate them under parliamentarian system.  There is no respect for law, no respect for our cultural heritage and traditional values.  The dream of independence by our people has been shattered, battered and broken by unholy combinations of greed , lust and power based on falsehood and violence.  The nation is at cross roads with devils workshop on one direction and the deep sea of uncertainty towards the other.  There is a dark cloud of uncertainty with complete chaos.
The ideals of peace and non-violence are good enough to be taught, but the same are not applicable for experience as there is complete deterioration of moral values and nobody is interested in a holding them.  The leadership are in the hands of those mediocre which are deliberately degenerating the disintegration of the values and are totally independent upon the false projection of their phobia amongst the masses as nobody could even think of resisting them.
The plague of castes amongst the down trodden masses has provided the exclusive monopoly to be ruled by them who demonstrates welfare, but exploit the poverty.  There is no check and balance in the game of politics.  The spiritual purity of thought is converted into the support from greed and desire by the politicians to their own profit amongst the backward classes.  This has provided at tug of war between upper-class and backward class to the larger advantage of our parliamentarian. We have to look within ourselves and find out the answers these problems to build an ideal earthly kingdom to our nation.
Nature has the tremendous effect by its own creation to fight against the prevailing disturbances created by the human errors.  The tendency to provide an encroachment over the equilibrium, maintained for necessary check and balance as the phenomena which constitutes the involvement of the ecology on one hand and the potential advancement of the technology on the other hand with restrictions.  In such situation there is a violent stroke of the natural calamities having drastic effect on the  viability of the mankind and survivability the human race. This was the concept  of our  Hindu philosophy that since the nature is co-existent to the ingredients of life,  as such there should be proper respect to the valuable treasure hidden inside the coverage of the nature.  The Himalayan prosperity,  the rivers flowing through its and thereby providing the essential water  required for the irrigation over the land providing the cultivation for the production of food grains were respected as equivalent to god and goddess in the Hindu religion. There was comparison for animals, who are providing their necessary contribution for the preservation of nature and therefore it was only Hindu religion that the cow has been dealt with as mother for every human being. The cruelty to the nature and even over other the creation of the nature and therefore it was only Hindu religion that the cow  has been dealt with as mother for every human being the cruelty to the creation  has been prohibited in Hindu sanskriti and  they used to worship all the trees providing coverage to the birds , animals and also to human beings. There was offering of the milk to the snakes on Nag - Panchami on account of the fact that even the snake was considered to be a friend of human being and the enemy to the rat who used to consume and destroy the harvest cultivated through human efforts.  There was in itself check and balance by the nature and the man was considered to be more happier within the  limited resources and therefore from the beginning even the princess were sent to the small huts for their physical and spiritual training under the guidance of the sages ,who have already given up  all their comforts for the eradication of prevailing maladies in the societies and  these sages were given a status  above to the ruler of the particular nation.  Thus the ultimate effect of the Hindu mythology was to preserve the nature, which is the ultimate  goal of every religion.  Unfortunately this message could not be communicated to the followers of other religion and as such the drastic effect has been visualised as the green vegetation was converted into the desert, wherever there was expansion of any other religion in contradiction with ideals and cultural heritage of Hindu mythology . India, which was considered to be the golden country ,is now leading towards the same deserted outlook effect as  is evident in the middle Asian countries.  It is for  this reason that the prediction was being in the earlier  19th century that  every religion will lost  it’s  significance, which is not coexistent with nature and rather detrimental for  being co-ordinator to boost up the natural resources which are essential for the survival of human race. 

Hindu religion is now  on  the verge of its extinction as its foundations are based on non-aggressive trend and worship to other religion.  The humanity is the sole criteria , and nothing like fanatic aggressive trend  is adopted for its expansion, which is prevalent in this religion rather there is the broader perceptiveness for adoption to the followers of the other religion. The qualification of generosity has become at disqualification for its preservation and existence.  Thus it has now become a fundamental duty of every citizen having faith  in Hindu religion to fight against the divisive forces who are keeping silent over the effective and prevailing encroachment of Hindu tradition and this is utmost important that if we want to  protect violent strokes of nature then the survival of Hindu religion is necessary.
The extinction of Hindu race is evident by the bare factor that our monuments and the place of worship have been demolished or converted into different form by the followers of other religion.  The attack is now being made on very foundation, which were maintaining the existence of Hindu religion.  The prevailing tendencies of materialistic  approach, conceptual  deterioration through sacrosanct and contract of marriage , the food habits of non-vegetarian dishes by adopting the cruel  method of slaughtering the animals and non spiritual trend of giving up habit of self resistance, are now prevailing in our nation, which is a clear indication that our country, which has been ruled by Mogul invaders and British conqueror by adopting the Roman policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ again in the clutches of foreign aggressiveness and the time is not ready for, when the policy of appeasement to the divisive forces and advantages to the dishonest opportunist will completely ruin down the basic cultural heritage and the traditional values of Hindu heritage from the scene of Indian continent, from where, it was a originally inherited  through  the grace of Almighty.  The extinction of our cultural heritage to the drastic effect is due to sycophancy and hypocrisy  which is always inclined to hero worship tendency in Indians, and has given opportunity to power politics to our leaders and from a promulgate  religious domination by the few individuals.  Mankind is in the habit of suffering  through worst catastrophe by the violent stroke of nature.  Nature , which preserves, its preserver; but simultaneously ,it also destroys its destroyer. This is the most complicated phenomena of the omnipotent protector but is seldom treated with respect by the human being.  There was individual praise instead of appreciating  the benevolent qualities and spiritual knowledge and this is followed by the theory of intelligence through birth. The Hindu religion had classified the four sects of Brahmins, Kshatriya, 

Vaishya & Shudra  by their symbolic qualification .  Brahmins  were resembled by the head of the human beings, while both the arms and chests of the individual were regarded as Kshatriya.  The abdomen was represented through Vaishya and those who were indulged into the process of cleanliness of the garbage and other waste products were called Shudra and on account of their limited means of creativity  they were never indulged into the passionate pleasure through our senses of productivity and therefore they were regarded at the lower berth.  The Indian mentality and the vested interests have given the recognition to these qualifications represented by four sects in the society on the basis of heredity hierarchy and the individual is regarded to be better qualified through his berth instead of his qualifications.  Thus it has given a predominating factor for the creation of four Varnas . This was route cause of prevailing maladies, which has given way to the foreign ambitions to take the advantage of such hypocrisy and to rule this nation by the policy of  ‘divide and rule’ from the time of Mughal conqueror upto the period of British invaders.  The battle of Plassy  was  further examples of weak characteristic of Indian mentality as India was conquered by an army consisting of 650 British soldiers by defeating an army of 1 lac soldiers of Nawab Shahjadullah by Clive Lloyd .
This has provided an opportunity to the Congress leaders from a very beginning to highlight the status of Shri Mohan  Das Karamchandra Gandhi  as that of a Mahatma.  After the first world war when there was a usurpation of power by some of the dedicated leaders like Lala Lajpat Roy, Vipin  Chandra Pal, and Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak. The efforts of Bhaghat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad,  Sarva Shri Pt Ram Prasad Bismal, Ashfaq Ullah Khan, Roshan Singh and Rajendra Nath were also undermined before the  status of Mahatma Gandhi by then Congress contemporary in the different period of British Empire. Then the pro Mahatma friction inside the Congress have called them as reactionary to the prevailing system and they were to discourage for their aggressive nature.  The uprising of our leaders against British domination was assailed from time to time on many grounds as no one could come forward as that of a leader after independence and the power may be enjoyed by few individuals, who were opportunists and remain loyal to Mahatma in his  policy of non-invasion as Mahatma Gandhi  was always inclined to evade from  the British diplomacy.  The independence of our nation was prolong to an indefinite period till the rising of Hitler and demolition various stricture on which the British domination was coexistent to the extent that his sun was never dawning in the west, as on the other side of its expansion of its jurisdiction, it was simultaneously rising.  After the Second World War the British domination has not only been extinguished from the soil of this nation,  but from other 47 nation at the contemporary time period.  Thus the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi was really negligible in comparison to the efforts of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ,who fought the battle through his army against British people.  The status of Mahatma Gandhi has become a protective umbrella providing shield to the ambitions of opportunists leaders.  Those who were associated with him with the sole objective to gain the power after independence . Mr.Moti Lal Nehru being conversant with the inclination of Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru towards the leadership has purposely associated him with Mahatma Gandhi as he was very conversant  that one day or other these Britishers have ultimately to depart from the soil of this country and thereafter there are chances of Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru gaining the power if he remained associated with Mahatma Gandhi as his successor disciple. The association of Mr Nehru with Tej Bahadur Sapru as an advocate was neither successful nor it would have remained in existence for a longer period.  Thus there was no other alternative except to allow of Mr Nehru to join the politics and the associated with Mahatma Gandhi.  This ambition of Mr Nehru to remain in power has ultimately led to the process of partition of India to a very larger extent.

Mr Subash Chandra Bose was elected as president Congress by defeating Mr Pattavi Sita  Ramaya a nominated candidate of Mahatma Gandhi. Mr Nehru and his other associates become very  perturbed by the victory of Netaji. Thus the  conspiracy was fetched to remove him from power.  It was declared that the victory of Netaji was personal defeat of Mahatma Gandhi.  The lobby associated with Mr Nehru lead by Mr Govind Ballabh Pant resolved on 3rd March 1939 that Netaji will not be empowered to choose his nominated member, but those having solidarity in Mahatma Gandhi will be the nominated member of Congress working committee, there was such humiliation to  Netaji that  he was to submit his resignation from president’s post in order to protect his dignity and self respect and there after he constituted the forward block.  There was general feeling among the Muslim fundamentalists including Mr Zinnah that in this manner nobody will allow be allowed to share in power and  it has lead to the adoption of Pakistan resolution in Lahore in 1940. Thus the ousting of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose as the  president of Congress by the diplomacy of  Jawahar Lal Nehru and is other associates has ultimately led to the creation of Pakistan to the greater extent.  This was the fraud with the people.  Muslim league supremo Mohd.Ali Zinnah ring from tuberculosis and he could have survived only for six months on the eve of partition of our country in 1947.  The celebrated writers namely the Larry Collins and Dominique Lappire have found Mr Zinnah as unyielding obstacle to Lord Mountbatten and the basic cause behind his obstinacy was the excessive greed of congress leaders to remain in power, if there was no partition India may be the most innovative national philosophy to have emerged in the post independence period.  India was having attitude if we were equipped with the problem and there was unique solution, if the kids of the present generation were sharing  global dream of Indian continent, who ever may be the responsible for the partition of the country, but certainly these ambitions have played the role of a traitor inside of our country and the present generation may not forgive them.

Acharya  J. B Kriplani was elected President of congress working committee. great planning was elected president of Congress working committee, but  Mr Nehru  condemned him by saying it is better to talk with a devil  than to talk to Kirplani.  This was the characteristic of individualistic approach which has ousted many patriots like Mr Ballabh Bhai Patel, Mr Purshottam Das Tandon, Dr Ram Manohar Lohia ,and Babu Rajendra Prasad their active contribution for the prosperity of our nation. It is well-known if Mr Patel would have not taken the drastic decision of unification of 650 princely states and the state of Jammu and Kashmir as the integral part of our nation for which Mr Nehru provided obstacles at every stage, we would have not living in our nation and rather slaughtered like animals by the aggressive attitude of our counter part of nation called Pakistan.  Mr Ram Manohar  Lohia once regarded “Rising star” by Mr Nehru was arrested 16 times during the Nehru’s  16 years this has started from the movement when Mr Lohia provided resistance and talk against .Mr Nehru policy of Panchsheel and condemned that at the time acquisition of Tibet by China this Panchsheel  was shattered and scattered into pieces  after the Chinese aggression in 1962,when  India could only save his territories from further acquisition by the timely intervention of Soviet Union.
The parliamentarian system adopted by our ambitious leaders to gain powers through  to any means fair or foul, has dragged our  nation towards confusion coercion chaos crime and corruption.  We now are proudful that we are most corrupt nation of the world living below poverty line with the maximum criminal providing shelter and production through our corrupt politician. This was the foundation which we have witnessed  during first 61 years of independence under Prime Ministership of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru. Mr Lal Bahadur Shastri has protected the large interest of our nation only within a period of two years when the people of our country were dying of starvation, running in bankruptcy, insecurity and control through foreign ambitions.  The green revolution for self autonomy  of our people has not only provided them sufficient bulk of food, but also provided the export of food articles during Shastriji period. The successful in  recapitulation over the territory  of Pakistani aggressor during the year 1965 war were the  that tremendous achievement of this real patriot, who maintained idealistic approach throughout his regime but shown his determination to fight against divisive  force  acting detrimental to the interests of nation and never allowed to perpetuate  corruption in any manner, as such it is well established that here are the  hopes of getting the rectification of the prevailing errors committed by the politicians and the country has got the vital resources to maintain its reputation among the other countries of the world.
 After the independence that was perspective of  but Congress became one of the rider on account of its hold over leadership and this has resulted into disintegration of the various  socialist formation into the spilt.  The economic backwardness provided miracle success to co-ordinate  such equations to the best advantage of the ruling Congress.  The element of motivation for the success of Congress was based  on Nehru -Gandhi dynasty which helped  Jawaharlal Nehru to reflect his personality by inducing himself as the supreme leader.  In pursuit of his office of Prime Minister by Mr Jawaharlal Nehru, the interest of the nation was crucified to the larger extent in view of acceptance of the partition of India and creation of Pakistan with clashing of vested interest to rule the nation under the guise of the danger through external aggression. Mr Ram Manohar Lohia has adopted a viable political strategy on ideological pretence of uncompromising anti-congressism  this fact was witnessed  till the aggression of the China.  This has provided a great setback in the advancement of socialistic  strategy.
After the death of Mr Jawahar Lal Nehru  who based his  policy by centralising the attention towards his foreign policy of diplomacy and certainly to build up the nation to certain extent but he meticulously failed to   built up the defence against the external threat as a result of which India lost the he major portion of Kashmir and vast land in Chinese aggression.  According to some spokesman of the relevant period the policy  of Mr Jawaharlal Nehru was widely based on his diplomacy and appeasement and tactics through concession to the minorities by introducing the reservation policy of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes in the matter of employment for the limited period.  The introduction of Hindu reforms against the prevailing abuse of power detrimental to the interest of woman through polygamy and contractual  marriage and divorce amongst Muslims for which there was head on collision between Mr Rajendra Babu the President and Mr J. L. Nehru, but ultimately Mr Nehru succeeded in getting Hindu reform Bill introduced and past which was violative of directive principles of state policy of unified civil law.  The dream of adopting the same law applicable irrespective of any creed, caste and religion in order to strengthen the integrity of our nation could not be fulfilled even after the dawn of 50 years of independence.