Wednesday, May 23, 2012

countryside, yet we spectacular claims of progress and transformation of government enterprisesabsorbed with passion, fear, and anger.

 countryside, yet we spectacular claims of progress and transformation of government enterprises.  The hunger, drought and famine interchangeably with each other with the lowest level of literacy and education in country, the concept of poverty line has a role and place.  Rural India never speak.  They invariably plead; cry or  beg for attention and if nobody listen they simply weep. No force on earth is greater than an idea economic and social justice; a more equal  control of resources; a life with dignity; and the growth through justice.  Let us  find out some corrective steps for the disparity of the harmony and the real condition of the people in our country.  The orders of society were created classifying  them according to the mode of pre domination in a particular field and apportioning corresponding duties casted upon the Brahmin, the Kshatriya, the Vaishya and the Shudra.  Till the caste system is not abolished from the society, there cannot the righteousness in action.

Human mind has become more complicated and  absorbed with passion, fear, and anger.  The intelligence of the men are puzzled in expound the truth about action.  We have lost our sight from seeing the consequence of evil effect.  The contentment by getting free from jealousy and transcended  all pairs of  apposite like joy and grief the root cause for maintaining a balance in success and failure. The yoga of knowledge and the yoga action  may lead the individual to the supreme being where individual becomes free from bondage. Therefore our mind should remain unattached to the senses  object .The India  the unforgettable tenacity and the perfection of mind  with exclusive love by practising  with absolute dependence has been no more in  existence.  Sri Krishna has taught to Arjun that if you refuse to fight for righteous cause then shrinking your duty and loosing reputation  and your popular esteem shall be  the worse than  the death.  The life is the         transformation of energy of the soul and the perception of  the God.  Thus by feeling unattached  to everything, one should draw in his limbs from all direction, but the control one.  The life is govern through some energy which  is transmitted are into the body from the outer atmosphere and provides a contributory factors  in maintaining the proper equilibrium between earth , water, fire, air & ether . The mind of individual is based on logical conclusion, which is also constitute ego  to the materialistic  nature. The moment, the stress of the personal achievement is sustain the  mental horizons dilutes extent and the individual becomes passion and desires.  The whole creation is dependent upon the quality of goodness principle of activity and principles of inertia.  The entire field of action are comprising perpetuating in heart and visualise from outside and such person possesses  the steadfast mind.  That they even at the hour of death they use to worship the God.  Reason right knowledge unclouded understanding forbearance veracity , control over the senses, evolution and desolation fear, non-violence, equanimity, contentment, austerities, charity, fame, obloquy are the diverse trait of creature, which makes the individual life divine.  Absolute fearlessness perfect purity of mind, constant fixate in the yoga of meditation for the sake of  self realisation and even so charity its Sattvic form, control of the senses, worship of God and other deities as well as of one elders including the performance of agnihotra (pouring of obligations in the sacred fire) and other sacred duties, study and teaching of the Vedas and other sacred books as well as chanting of God’s names and praises suffering hardships for the discharge of one's sacred obligations and straightness of mind as well as of the body and senses.
Non-violence in thought ,word and deed, truthfulness and geniality of speech, absence of anger even  on provocation  disclaiming doer- ship in respect of actions, quietude or composure of mind, abstaining form malicious gossip , compassion towards all creatures, absence of anger even during their contact with the senses, mildness, a sense of shame in transgressing against the scriptures or the usage, and abstaining from frivolous pursuits. Sublimate, forbearance, fortitude, external purity, non-bearing  enmity to none and absence of self-esteem these are the marks often, who is born with the divine gifts.

Human knowledge has become too great for human mind.  The superstition  is mainly having its pre-dominating factor over individuals conscience due to the ignorance.  The scientific process of evolution for systematic knowledge of human being is based on analytical approach. This is achieved by observing certain symbol which are problem orientation process, hypothetical presumption, experimentation, evolution, observation and conclusion.  Necessity is the mother of invention.  Does the human minds split into thousands of isolated fragmentation, which have no longer generated to our  wisdom.  Scientific analytical description is based on theory of natural selection and descent of man in the process of evolution.  Human behaviour flows from three main sources i.e Desire, Emotion and Knowledge.  Desire includes appetite impulse and  instincts; emotion includes spirits, ambition and courage and knowledge includes thought, intellect and reason.  Desire is the bursting reservoir of energy which is mainly classified in three main categories; 1. Power 2.Wealth 3. Pleasures of the senses.  All the others are born out of these.  The philosopher namely  Frieud considers to the main impulse flows from sex while Marks rates wealth as the primary appetite and Adler rates power, the most basic instinct.  Basically the desire is the root of ignorance. Man being ignorant of his own self is in itself ignorant, self unconsciousness is the main reason for our desire.   The Self deception to hide the ignorance and creation of the false image is the root cause of  our distress.  The truth is totally eclipsed and no return to the reality is possible, if the desire is implanted in the head of human being.  The fallacy lies in the concept of God as an individual.  Money can purchase poems, prayers, songs, bhajans ,rituals and  the power too does  the same quality.  As soon as we indulge emotional satisfaction by creating a false image to hide one’s  worthless personality, the desire for sex starts which may completely vanish the hope for spiritual growth of the Dharma. Thus none of the three desires are wholly true.  Dharma survives and sustains because, each one of these three is basically
not the root cause.  Desire, Power and Sex are only symptoms. They are on the outer periphery on the surface.  The cause is deep.  Man is the hallow and empty inside.  There is darkness.  There is no light inside.  Ignorance and lack of awareness are the basic cause of the inner poverty to hide, which these three are used to supports.  The only cause and its remedy is by inner fulfilment.  Bliss is needed to fill up the dark and empty recesses of the inner spaces . The cure is in medication and meditation alone. Any person who becomes calm , quiet and still inside, who knows himself and can witness himself through the inner eyes and illumines the ignorance within himself and then he becomes happy and filled with ecstatic and blissful.  To sum up, all desires are  created in the absence of meditation.  Sitting silently and being a witness to yourself leads to bliss and ecstasy which may ultimately give freedom from all desires.
Knowledge may be acquired by self- realisation.  To know what to ask is already no half  of the truth.  The conception of human nature is perfectly sound.  Every ideal has a natural basis everywhere. Natural development is the ideal evolution. For we choose happiness for itself and never with a view to anything further whereas we choose  honour ,pleasure, intellect because we believe that through them we should be made happy.  The scientific glory and the power of man virtues, rather excellence will depend on self-control.  It is not a possession of a simple man; not the gift of the innocent intent, but the achievement of experience in a fully developed man.  The golden means; the first and the last quality will be the extreme and vices and middle quality a virtue or an  excellence.  So between cordial and rashness  is courage; between stinginess and  extravagance is liberty; between  sloth and greed is ambition ;between humility and pride is modesty; between secrecy and loquacity honesty; between moroseness  and buffoonery  good humour ;between  quarrelsomeness and flattery the friendship; between indecisiveness and impulsiveness is the self-control.
Life is the root cause of our consciousness as without life there is neither any soul nor  existence of God. Neutron is the root of every atom which is neutral electrical element.  If we have  hypothecation on the basis of logical conclusion, which may come by the study of ideal method in thought and research, observation and introspection, deduction and induction, that the neutron are the repository to the God then our desire which are like the electron are rotating in the stationary orbit with centripetal forces and is maintaining an equilibrium  through electrostatic attraction for worldly affairs. These electrons are certain particles moving in certain wavelength which may be called as orbital periphery  of individuals existence. Desire, impulse instincts and appetite are governed through these electrons while the emotions in an individual are governed through his ambition, courage and spirit ,which are like the proton as the integral part of an Atom.  The density of which is heavier to 1837 times than electrons .Thus  ultimately the emotions are controlled by inner consciousness which is the soul of the individual.  The knowledge which is bursting reservoir of energy  flows from the neutron, the ultimate God and when it is converted into wisdom the human beings becomes the part of the nature. The solar system is also like the atomic compositions where  the planets are rotating over the Sun in  its different periphery and therefore planets are governing factor of the solar system being the part of planetary  electrons . Happiness ,you have to find along with the way not at the end of the path but by moving along with the pace of life.  Thus the man should not be confident towards his power, but towards his aim.  If you blame your present the future will be in dark therefore try to overcome the remaining  part of the present.  You may be very nearer to  your success.

If  in a sin  consciousness man may commit  any wrongful act then these are not  we who are entitled to take revenge.  It is the God who will teach him.  If we take any participation  we may be categorised with the same guilt  as that of an offender.  Therefore we should avoid such blame on our  soul as every action which has got sanction of consciousness is an action done by the God himself.
The fullest usurers  interest for each pleasure gifts are not freely scattered by its hand .We make return to every borrowed treasure .  Each talent, each achievement and each gain necessitate some penalty to pay.  All you bestow on cause for on man of love and hate or malice or devotion, somehow, sometime shall  be returned back again. There is no waste toil ,no lost emotions.  The motto of the world is to give and take.  It give you flowers out of sheer goodwill, but unless a speedy  recompense you made , you will find yourself presented with its bills.
Life is a bubble; snap it today;
Passing its gloom’s into tomorrow's Ashes
It will be scattered all around.
Watching, observing but unable to speak.
Helplessly you will be suffering a lot,
In your absence you will be lost.
But at that stage, your unbounded zeal,
And all your pious  efforts towards amicable means.
Will be having a thirsty desire for the support.
And in that situation and noble spirit alone.
Will Convey your idea before the masses.
You will be credited for  your benevolent deeds.
Your great idea  will survive.
And the presence of this idea will be your immortality for ever .
Written By
H.I.G 203, Preetam Nagar,                    Yogesh Kumar Saxena
Sulem Sarai Housing Scheme               Advocate High Court
Phone no. 637720,9838036653         Chamber no 139 High Court
E-mail                        Ph.no623149/624455 ext.137

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