Friday, August 31, 2012

Hangout with Shri Narendra Modi

Saturday, August 25, 2012

VSK - Andhra Pradesh: CAG report rings political fight bell

VSK - Andhra Pradesh: CAG report rings political fight bell

Friday, August 24, 2012


Jurisdiction of court is like that of constructor of a building which has either perfection or many defects. The final word of posterity is dependent upon the skill and calibre of builder who may heartily desire to build up it like expert builders with architectonic virtues to amend or/and add some material both by method and uniformity and if the structure itself does not found ventilation for the want of windows and lake of sufficient light or other deficiency in the architecture, whatsoever, then to demolish the existing structure, only than we may blessed the amending hand as if the trumpet idea gives an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? The jurisdiction of the court is founded on the basis of three factors; one to enforce the uniform applicability of law, irrespective of the fact, who is before it by the litigant. Second is pertaining to maintain uniformity in imparting the justice, as the law may not be swept away by mere ideological, sentimental and psychological retardation in interpreting the statutory provision. Thirdly, in order to get the equity and justice pertaining to the factual matrix closer to the rigmarole of the technicalities of the law and to take justice at the doorstep of law.   Likewise justice should speak by tongue, word easy to understood, otherwise how a common man will understand and know what is spoken, if the justice shall be spoken into the air? There should not be such short sentences as we may forget the use of verbs which may reconcile the idea into action. There is an inbound difficult situation faced by the lawyers on account of the competition and the restrictions imposed debarring him to perform any business may further need for stagnation of the earning of a lawyer. This may result in the financial crisis affecting the family members and as such the litigants are commonly deceived by these problem ridden lawyers in generating false hopes. The Government has yet not generated a policy of providing legal assistance to the litigant. The  medical facility and facilities for transportations are provided to the citizens from the hospital and the bus stand respectively, by the Government , but the litigant craving for the indulgence of the justice from the court of law is seldom getting the means to travel up to the  door of the court. A system has to be evolved to provide cheaper legal opinion and simplifier system of the pleading to get the relief.In the last 62 years, the judiciary has only provided the tedious exercise to the litigant. The case filed before the court of law slowly travel on the basis of its pleading and framing of the issues for adjudication by the trial court. The appellate jurisdiction cannot even substitute the correct findings by replacement of the wrong approach as the discretion exercised by the trial court cannot be substituted by another discretionary  orders as the jurisdiction of the appellate court is to reverse the finding and to sent the case back by remanding the matter to the trial court again till a perverse approach may not be adopted by the trial court, It has been seen that the appellate court is rapidly indulging into the illegal approach by substituting his own discretion and thereby arriving to conclusion. Why the trial court is not accountable in case of the pronouncement of the wrong judgement? Why the appellate court may not seek the opinion of the High Court and Supreme Court on the substantial question of law by sending through referendum and the ultimate judgement is pronounced by the appellate court. The functioning of the trial court may also be simplified by indulging in the dispute from the realistic attitude, instead of believing and relying upon the false testimony and manufactured evidence. More the procedure of the court of law may become simplifier and Speediest with expediency regarding the disposal of the case and the decision imparted is within a very short period, the confidence of the people may be reposed in the judiciary. There is no need to have the experiment conducted upon the cause of the litigation for the betterment of the law, but to impart the justice within few days and the finality is attributed upon it. In the matter of a suit of specific performance, declaration of the title and the property right with perpetual injection, if it is ultimate found that the party filling the suit has no substance for claiming their right, a heavy compensation in the form of damages may be imposed upon him. Similarly the concept of the plea bargaining with that of the effective role of the investigation agencies may be given to find out the substance of accusations and the innocence may be proved in the criminal trail by shifting the burden upon the accused. In case of false allegation labelled against the innocent citizen, the similar punishment and the sentence of the conviction be imposed upon the informant/companion. The victim may be compensated by the appropriate compensation through the state government. The aggressor must be identified for the punishment not the individual providing resistance.      

“The play is done : the curtain drops slow falling to the prompter’s bell. A moment yet the actor stops and looks around, to say farewell. The approving audience gives him cheer. He bows to them and says his say. Yet down his cheek there falls a tear from him. This is the ending of his days.” Time is three dimensional picture; having a past memory and future expectation with the present identification. Every expectation is not anticipation, nor may they generate good sense among citizens. Thus, the aspirations of an individual may result in attracting the inhibition of a desire for betterment of the relief sought from the court of Justice but in case of disappointment, it may lead to the frustration and anger generated by a citizen over the functioning of the judiciary. In this manner, the command of the sovereignty vested within the ambit of the court of law is least respected. People have started believing in demonstrating their horoscopes to the pundits before entering inside the court of law. They are frustrated with the extended dates and their financial constraint to pay the expenses are mostly the cause for studying horoscopes, reading palm and numerological effect by the name to choose their date for indulging their lawyers in the process of argument. A peculiar situation has been emerged into the process that the legal profession is considered to be the process of the gamble and the proxy and the broker. The legal profession, which was reputed as the noble profession for imparting the justice to the people engaging them has become a business and rather a trademark with unpredicted outcome. There has been the street fast inflation and monstrous hiking in the purchase of the articles of the daily use and the escalation in the value of the property and as such the hike in the fees of an advocate is the further problem generated amongst the litigants.

Fragrances are more hypnotic , music more inspiring , food tastes better and the sense of touch is more intense. This is all because of human Aura, which is extending an outlining the head and body through spiritual cult  in the form of twinkle blue, pale or gold and glitters through etheric world. The physical vision is usually peripheral with the third eye located as pineal gland. This is known as holo, which passes through legend, but gradually earthlings have lost the ability to see the Aura, the etheric or a holo except the few person, who have retain the gift in their present incarnation. This is of vital importance to the individual’s health, happiness and spiritual involvement. The esortic wisdom begins with the understanding of real existence. You can be able to see the etheric or human Aura and then your subconscious will pack up the message for uplifting you to the higher self by using the crowded elevator. This overlapping and mixing of etheric self with crowded elevator creates tension and uneasiness except few extravagant personality. Every person in the world need a space. There are electromagnetic charged atmosphere, which may be washed out by taking a bath through shower. As those magnetic pits which may be picked up from others be washed off. Some of the animals have better sense of understanding the effect of Aura, etheric and spiritual carving of individual through there perceptions.
Adversaries are the touchstone  of brave mind. The spiritual way of living may only be adopted by taking the course of its learning which the individual may incline, when he will proceed further to learn in this regard. Since the necessity is the mother of invention as such without having any need for learning, one may not advance through this process, except in adverse circumstances. It is rightly being said that the bearer of the shoe knows as to where it pinches to such individual. Let us start with physiology of human body which has  the respiratory organ for breathing of the air. It provides the survival of  the cells of the brain and the rest of the body is provided the air for nutrition and energy. The deep breathing indulges the individual through passing off the channel from the nostrils and comes in the contact the thin layer over brain where the fluid is filled up and is connected with spinal cord at its base. The “Kundanlini” in the individual contains the fluid which is sucked through suction force to the cells of the brain. In this process the potential to one’s perceptions in respect of his retention power inside the brain may directly be attributed to the individuals memory. This gives a personality cult of an individual to make the further advancement in life. In absence of such atmosphere, one may feel despotic isolation and thereby the stagnation to the process of evaluation may ultimately ruin the future prospective for progress. In getting this sacrosanct proceedings as the protection of the rightful claim be justified through the remedial measurement, ostensibly by adopting the processual implications involved in the court. Thus, the pronouncement of the verdict from inside the court of law is not merely on the perceptual logical interpretations of the statute but also for adopting the procedural law. Thus, the participation of the lawyer in summarizing the foundation of the claim and to cope up the aforesaid factual dispute for redressed of the grievances against the oppression is required to be done with a demonstrational justification. Seldom in this process of factual adjudication, is the substance of the justice being imparted transgressed into the misnomer? In this manner, the litigant’s interest which is considered as paramount is not given to them. This phenomenon, that justice should not only be done but appear to have been done, may lead the deceptiveness of the argument and the pleading in the process of litigation is ending in the naught by crucifying the element of the truth.

                          The mind is the master of senses and the breathe is the master of mind. The mind cannot be restrained without restraining the breathe. Mental activities keeps pace and respiration. Thus the consultation is regarded to be the best source for all sort of management of human affairs. This may be in numerable form of philosophy. The philosophy  of argument and the philosophy of the rule which capture the intellect in there nets and led it away from the true knowledge. The physical control is merely a preparation for mental control. When the mind is calm down, It is indeed the process of becoming one with reality begin. Only few dies of suffocation but rest of the death are caused as such person has not been breathing enough from years. Let us examine the existence of these principles which are necessary for the protection of the society in which the judicial discipline is the source of inspiration for protecting the fellow existence. The Hindu mythology also based on the principle of separation of power. There are the different duties and role assigned to the omnipotent powers in the universe. Lord Brahama is considered to be the creator of animal existence and other human being in this world while the Lord Vishnu is considered to be considered to be the protector of the living creator while Lord Shiva is maintaining an equilibrium by imposing the appropriate punishment as to maintain the esteem of administration of justice. There is not even an absolute power vested with the God itself according to our Hindu mythology. Thus the concept of legislation, executive and judicial power is embodied with separation of power.
                                            The religious virtues are marked with ten characteristics viz. patience, forgiveness, self denial, honesty, purity, mastery over senses, sensibility, knowledge, veracity, and cheerfulness. The individual has not given an absolute power and likewise the universe protects the existence of other fellow being to be ruined by the stronger as the lion and other carnivores animals may not destroy every healthy and vigorous animals. Thus the individual having the absolute power of government may not be allowed to rule the nation. The ruling body of the people may not be vested with the absolute power nor the person embodied with such power should be allowed to delegate it to some other person otherwise the fate of the nation will be identical to the fate what we have visualised by giving the power of management to the British East India Company who had subsequently  captured the full command over the nation. The mutiny became the turning point for justifying the rule by the British domination, as the nation was subsequently came under the control and sovereignty of the British Empire.
                                           The country must be free from enemies and for this purpose law and order situation must be effective in vanquishing the enemies and resisting their onslaught. For this purpose, the enforcement agency be admirable and efficient for becoming victorious through benevolent rules and regulation. The law of punishment is the dispenser of justice. The theory of retributive justice must be implemented to wake the people who are fast sleeping. It is difficult to wake them by shouting a voice as those who are having the intoxication by power, wealth and privilege may not rise to the occasion for the advancement of the country. This is important as the virtue of religion which is meant  to preserve the justice and not to destroy it. The abortion of justice provokes the resentment of the people. Thus it is important that at least  a person who is sitting on the seat of legislating the law and to deliver judgement may not be voluptuaries, malicious and if he has such disqualification, then the person occupying such position should be punished by retributive justice.
The justice is a very awful and majestic, It cannot be upheld by ignorance and non righteous person as the person who is not learned, untrained and block headed is never able to enforce the law with justice. Thus a wise man is only able to enforce the law in the strict sense. The decision of such judicial member may not be transgressed by any one. There were ten evils always recognised from ancient time which are arising from the love of pleasure; i.e 1) Hunting, 2) Killing of innocent animals, 3) Gambling, 4) Sleeping by day time, 5) Listening to love talks and scandals, 6) Excess with women, 7) Use of intoxicant, 8) Singing in club, 9) Playing musical instrument in night clubs, 10) Useless strolling. These vices are now been accepted in the society as the necessary evil. Nothing can eradicate the prevailing maladies except by strict enforcement of the discipline which is not given the due priority in our country.
                                             The government should watch if the justice is upheld in inflicting of punishment and no unjust punishment is inflicted. The treasury and the executive work must be in the hand of such responsible person who should be held responsible for the lapses and given deterrent punishment, in case they are  found to provide the loss to the public exchequer. It is as fare if one hundred entrenched garrison soldier can resist the attack of ten thousand enemies, why not a patriot to this nation may be able to get the correct prospective of our system. Thus it is not only the punishment for reformation or censure is imposed but in the deserving case, the person deserving punishment may be provided with the exemplary punishment as no other person could dare to commit such wrong with the people. In case of violence, theft , adultery defamation, insult and assault, since these offences are usually being committed in secrecy, the onus is shifted on the accused person to prove his innocence.
                                                 The culture and heredity plays a vital role in governing the nation. There should not be the denouncing to the existing values by invasion of encroachment over the existing set up. The attitude of the people is important and a governing factor to built up a society  otherwise the inglorious incidents shall take over the existence of the society. The capitalism approach of life with atrocities committed by the superior over the down trodden is required to be dealt with sever punishment as there is no protection to the poor class of citizen.
There is always a struggle for existence and it is understood that the survival of the fittest is the ultimate notion. Thus it is considered that a criminal coming in the public and getting ruthless shooting in discriminatory and mercilessly killing the innocent inhabitants in the society is seldom punished by the court of justice. He is evading his arrest and in case if he is being arrested, he may be bailed out easily and even in case of conviction, he shall rarely be confined in the four corner of the jail premises. This is the law of our nation.
                                                      Let us examine the aspect of putting a poor farmer inside the lockup for the reason that due to the natural calamity and ecological misbalance, he could not ripe the harvest in the season and therefore was unable to repay the loan which he had taken for the improvement of the land. It is well known that the state government is the absolute owner of the entire agriculture land and the farmer has got only the cultivators right and if something is done for the improvement of such land, how the poor farmer can be kept in confinement. There is only one reason that in the country of “Daridranaryan“, the poor person is subjected to suffer the atrocities of the superior person but the rich people are above the law. One should not tolerate the injustice committed by the wrong doer over the innocent person as it is generally understood that the robbers usually  rob the rich person while the government robs the poor people and leave the rich people beyond the clutches of law enforcement machinery.
                                              There is another aspect of the picture that a bread earner, who is knocked by a fast moving vehicle, may get some compensation from the insurance company or from the owner of the vehicle under vicarious liability but if the person is stabbed inside his abdomen by the assailant, there is no compensation given to the victim. In case of death out of onslaught by some criminal, there is neither the punishment for the crime nor the compensation to the family of the victim citizen. How the government can claim to be the representative of the people ?   What is the justification of saying that it is “We, the people” who are said to be the government ? Can a country may survive in such a type of anomalies and undisciplined atmosphere ?
              “All the members of the court are considered as wounded, where justice is found wounded with inequity, and judges do not extract the dart of inequity from justice or remove its blot and destroy inequity, in other words where the innocent are not respected and the criminals are not punished.”
               “A virtuous and just person should never enter a court and when he does so, he should speak the truth; he who holds his tongue on seeing injustice done, or speaks contrary to truth and justice is the greatest sinner.”
                  “ All the persons in that court are dead, as it were, and none of them is alive, where justice is killed by inequity and truth by falsehood in presence of its courtiers.”
                “ Justice destroyed, destroys, its destroyer; and justice preserved, preserves its preserver. Hence never destroy justice, lest being destroyed, it should destroy the destroyer of justice.”
                    “ The learned regard him to be base caste who violates justice which gives all wealth and showers all blessings. Therefore no man should ever destroy justice.”
                  “ In this world justice or righteousness alone is man’s friend that goes with him after death. All other things or companions part on the destruction of the body and he is detached from all company. But company of justice is never cut off.”
                           Thus when injustice is done in the government and the Hon’ble Court due to inadvertent do not dart injustice and may attribute some partiality with underrepresented poor citizen and protect the criminal or doer of injustice, there may not be such deserving respect and it may circumvent the law with all inequity. Such a situation is alarming in the nation as the law which is regarded to make the citizen free from all side of encroachment, has itself is making the people enslave. Let a situation be derived by breaking the chain which is providing restriction to fight against the injustice. Although it is an iron curtain, but still one cannot blot all such hopes, as the hopes belong to a future. A single day light may shallow the darkness from our country.

Institute of Rewriting  Indian History & Anr. ------------------------Petitioner
Union of India & Ors. ---------------------------------------------Respondents
Hon’ble Dr. B.S. Chauhan, J.
Hon’ble Dilip Gupta, J.
(By The Court)
                    This Writ petition has been filed as a Public  Interest Litigation seeking the relief of declaration in the nature of mandamus for  notifying that Taj Mahal was not built by Shahjahan; remove all the notices displayed by the Archeological Survey of India showing Taj Mahal premises crediting Shahjahan as its creator and further desist from writing /publishing/proclaiming/ propagating and teaching about Shahjahan being the Author of Taj Mahal and stop and discontinue the free entry in Taj Mahal premises on Friday in the week. A further direction has been sought that the authorities be further directed to open the locks of upper and lower portions of the four- storied building of Taj Mahal having number of rooms; to remove the bricked up walls built later blocking such rooms therein; and further to bring out the idols and inscriptions hidden in the Taj Mahal by Shahjahan ‘s order and declare  the same as a Hindu Temple.
                   We have heard Shri  Y. K. Saxena, learned Counsel for the petitioner at leangth and Sri K.C. Sinha, learned Counsel appearing for the respondents and have perused the averment made in the petition as well as supplementary affidavit.
                       Shri Saxena, learned Counsel appearing for the petitioners has vehemently submitted that originally, there was a Hindu Temple over which by raising superstructures, the Taj Mahal was built by Shahjahan . Thus , in fact, a Hindu temple was converted into a “Majar”. In support of his contention, he has taken us through literature, mainly, written by Shri P. N. Oak  and the same include” The Greatest Historical discovery of Modern Times- The Taj Mahal is a Temple Palace” published by Hindi Sahitya  Sadan, 2003 Edition, “ Taj Mahal – Tejo –Mahalaya Shiva Mandir Hai” 1998 Edition, published by the same publisher; Fatehpur seekri Ek Hindu Nagar”, Agra Ka Lal Kila Hindu Bhawan Hai” in Hindi 1998 Edition;, “ Some Blunders  of Indian Historical Research” 2003 Edition; Thatta Islamic Architecture” Written by Professor Ahmad Hasa Dani, Professor, Emerritus Quaid- I – Azam University, Islamabad, published by Institute of Islamic History. Culture & Civilization, Islamabad, Pakistan, ‘Manu Smirit’, and on the basis of the same, he tried to convince us that us is entitled for the aforesaid relief.
                On the other hand, Shri K.C. Sinha, leaned counsel appearing for the respondents submitted that the petition raises disputed questions of facts; it is neither desirable nor feasible to decide the factual controversy in writ jurisdiction and the petition can not be said to be in Public Interest. He, therefore, submitted that the petition should not be entertained and should be dismissed.
            We have considered the rival submissions made by the learned Counsel for the parties and gone through the voluminous literature submitted by Shri Saxena.
         We are , however of the considered opinion that petition raises disputed question of facts, which can not be adjudicated upon in a Writ Jurisdiction. We therefore declined to entertain  this petition and dismissed it with the liberty to the petitioner to approach the appropriate forum, if so advised.
21. 02. 2005                               Sd. Dr. B. S. Chauhan J.
                                                      Sd. Dilip Gupta, J.
(Under Article 226 of the Constitution of India)
District : Raibareilly
Ravi Kant Khare, (Baba Ji) S/o Sri Rama Kant Khare, Journalist/Writer/Publisher and President of Sarva Hitkari  Seva Sansthan (unfegistered Society of elite citizens, scholars, Advocates and Sriters), R/o D. S. – 13, Nirala Nagar, Lucknow – 226 020.
                                                                                    ……….   Ptitioner.
1.     Union of India through its Secretary of Human Resources Ministry Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2.     Election Commission of India, through chairman, Election Commission of India, New Delhi.
3.     State Election Commission, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
4.     Smt. Sonia Gandhi alis Sania Malno of Turin, Italy W/o Late Sri Rajiv Roberto “Gandhi” President of National Congress Party, 10, Jan Path, New Delhi.

Hon’ble Jagdish Bhalla, J
Hon’ble B. B. Agarwal, J

     Heard Sri Awadhesh Kumar learned counsel for the petitioner and Sri Siddharth Dhaon, learned counsel for the respondents.

     There is a race to come in limelight by short cuts method and the present petition is one such example. Bye-election of parliamentary seat at Rai Bareli is  almost at a fag end today. However, at this stage the petitioner has filed a writ petition challenging the nomination of opposite party no. 4 for contesting  the election of Rai Bareli parliamentary seat. The petitioner has sought a writ in the nature of mandamus directing the respondent no. 2 to decide the matter relating to the disqualification of respondent no. 4 pertaining to her adherence and allegiance to the foreign State, namely, Italy. He had also prayed that Union of India be directed to produce the books namely “The Nehru Dynasty” written by Sri K. N. Rao, Reminiscences of “Nehru Age” written by his long time Private Secretary, Sri M. O. Mathai and the book written by his long time Private secretary, Sri M. O. Mathai and the book written by Sri Mohammad Yunus “Persons, Passion and Politics” for the perusal of the court to confirm the authenticity of the Article (Annexure no. 4 to the writ petition) published by the Hindu Writer’s Forum.
     Not only it is a belated petition but the prayer no. 3 has got no relevance with the two others prayers sought for in the writ petition. The subject matter of the present petition is the bye-election of Raibareli Parliamentary seat where the voting has started today in the morning,

     We would like to observe that under Article 329 (b) of the Constitution of India there is a specific prohibition against any challenge to an election either to the Houses of Parliament or to the Houses of Legislature of the State except by an election petition presented to such authority and in such manner as may  be provided for in a law made by the appropriate legislature . The Parliament has by enacting the Representation of the People Act, 1951 provided for such a forum for questioning such elections hence, under Article 329 (b) no other than such forum constituted under the R. P. Act can entertain a complaint against any election.

     In N. P. Ponuswami Versus Returning Officer Namakkal constituency, Namakkal and others [AIR 1952 (39) SC 64] (supra) the Hon’ble Surpreme Court held as under :-

     “The law of elections in India does not contemplate that there should be two attacks on matters connected with election proceedings, one which they are going on by invoking the extraordinary jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution (the ordinary jurisdiction of the Courts having been expressly excluded)” and another after they have been completed by means of an election petition.”

     The above view has been relied with approval by the subsequent judgement in M. S. Gill and another us. The Chief Election Commissioner [1978(1) SCC 405]. In Election Commission of India vs. Shivaji; AIR 1998 SC 61 the Hon’ble Supreme Court while considering a challenge to the election notifications while following  the judgment in Ponnuswami’s case held that even if there was any ground relating to the non-compliance with the provisions of the act and constitution on which the validity of any election process could be question, the person interested in questioning the election has to wait till the election is over and institute a petition in accordance with Section 81 of the act calling in question the election of the  successful candidate.

     We may add that the question of citizenship of respondent no. 4 was also raised in Election Petition No. 1 of 1999; Hari Shanker Jain Vs. Smt. Sonia Gandhi but the same was dismissed by this Court vide judgment and order  dated 20th May, 2000.

     In view of the above proposition of law, the writ petition is hereby dismissed.

     Though the parameters of public interest litigation have been settled by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in catena of cases even then the courts are flooded with a large number of so-called public interest litigations wasting valuable judicial time, which could be otherwise utilized for disposal of genuine cases.

     It is a fit case in which we would have imposed exemplary cost but taking note of the fact that the petitioner has become “Babaji” we are not imposing any cost.

       Irfan                                                                                                s.d./ Jagdish Bhalla, J
            S.d/ B. B. Agarwal, J


“Here is not to make reply;
Here is not to reason why;
Here is only do and die.”

In my childhood, my teacher taught it to me in the classroom that “What ever you do; Do with your might; that is the way to be healthy, wealthy, and wise”. Subsequently, there after my father told me just few months before his death when I completed my 18 years of age that “Thou thy path be dark as sky; There is a star thy path to guide, So trust in god and do the right “.
By the gradual process of up and downs in my life, I could have been able to learn through my experiences that what we may be able to get through the grace of god are not the scattered love, nor the success and wealth but the knowledge. Thus I have started worshipping the almighty with the following prayer. “O, gods to thee I pray, increase my knowledge day by day”. It is only now after attending the respect amongst the members of the Bar and Bench that I have started thinking that all these notions in my life are based on the correct foundations. This is my firm determination that what ever I may be able to achieve in my life that will be dependent on the out come of my efforts on these guidelines and none else. Notwithstanding, there are the fluctuations in the formation of these notions, which provides me a sense of mental agony, frustration and disappointments in life. There is the profound bleeding at my heart on the psychologically region which seldom gives me an effect of chafing of the wound before it can be healed.  This is the painful reminder of the lost empire, which was built on solid foundation. It is gradually obliterating.

The just and social duty is cast upon the legal profession.  This is possible by the conduct and action of the people associated with legal profession by obliterating the inequalities as uneducated and exploited mass of the people may get a helping hand. What is legally due is to serve the duty and it is not worthwhile for an Advocate to become the spokesman of the litigant irrespective of the fact whether his cause is meant for sponsoring the justice to the society at large. The conduct anticipated in this manner is befitting from his status by upholding the high and honorable profession.  There are the high expectations from the advocate, which is fair, reasonable and according to law.

There is the gradual decay of the above noted standard and the participation in the legal process, which should have been conducted completely flawlessly, and foolproof, they are picking out the lapses by expressing unsavory criticism. The consistency is now been considered as no virtue and the obligation of judicial conscience, which was meant to correct the error is manifesting like uncontrolled epidemic. This is the reason why the legal profession is not been accepted as a noble profession.

The proceedings are dependent upon the remedies available under the law.  Every act of statutory body that must have been exercised by keeping the purpose and objective meant for enshrines the statutory power. The authority should have been exercised by keeping the object of such power that is meant by the statute and not with other extraneous consideration, otherwise the fraud will be perpetuated and the faith and belief shall not be subjected to any judicial scrutiny.  Thus an accountability is must whenever as wrong is corrected. Some time in such matter of adjudicating without any valid cause, the court unwittingly becomes party to the miscarriage of justice.  The judiciary is an ultimate interpreter of the constitution, which is assigned with a duty of the delicate task ensuring that the action of the authorities vested with the statutory power may not breach or transgress its limit.

It is distressing that an unscrupulous litigant in order to circumvent the due administration of justice of the court seldom found by adopting a dubious recourse of ingenious methods. These includes the filing of fraudulent litigation to defeat the right of the other person and such tendency deserves to be curbed out by passing the appropriate orders to provide a check upon such unhealthy practice and also by issuing necessary directions including imposition of exemplary cost. This is required for strengthening the belief of the common man in the institution of the judiciary.  Creation of such faith may result in reaching the excellence in the profession.

Unique manifestation

Thy eyes are reflected;
In praise of greatness;
With unique manifestation;
The song of scripture;
Which sing by celestial;
And also by terrestrial;
By every human being;
To fathom the mystery;
But just to describe it;
Must first be nectar thy;


The purpose of law is to serve the society.  In absence of fulfillment of the requirement of the public at large, the enforcement of the legal provisions are of no consequences.  It should serve for the advancement of harmony and social coordination.  The rigmarole of technicalities may not come into the way to defeat the vary purpose for which the law has been enacted by the representatives of the peoples.  The institutions of legal enforceability can only be run by the strict enforcement of liability and obligation.  Thus in the present circumstances when we have completely lost our grip on the foundation of the implementation to the provision of law, we cannot claim ourselves to be a society equipped with the law and order situation.  The criminal law is completely inapplicable for the vary reason that the law enforcement agencies who were seldom considered to be acting for oblique motive, usually dragged in the process as the destroyer of the provisions in the respect of its implementation for the advancement of the society.

In such circumstances, judiciary which is enshrined with a power of judicial accountability has proven to be of significant use for the implementation of the provision of law.  If the accountability of the administrative authority are given to judicial officers, there are every possibility of mis- utilization of the judicial power.  Thus a system is required to be evolved in which the erring official dealing with quashi-judicial powers may be made accountable for the abuse of discretionary power by the enforceability of the verdict preannounce by the court of law and if it is found that the decision is vitiated on account of colourable exercise of power, the disciplinary action may be recommended against such officer by the superior authority.  In such circumstances, there is again a possibility of making an abuse of the power conferred with the judicial authority.  Thus in order to make a respectable balance by check and powers, the guidelines are given by the constitutional courts.

That the subordinate judiciary is recommended by the nomenclatures of the judicial officers, presiding officer prescribed authority and judges but by the same time the judges of the High Court and Supreme Court are represented as the justices.  This has been done purposely in order to provide a harmonious infiltration of the legal provision with the justifiability of the circumstances in according with equitable jurisdiction conferred upon the constitutional courts.  However by the efflux of time, the apex court has experienced the power conferred upon the Hon’ble justices of the High Court for fixing accountability is not in public interest and rather there are possibility of misusing the judicial power.  Thus the judicial institution have also faced the similar difficulty what the administration was facing in dealing with the unsocial elements in the society.

This is virtually a paradox of the situation that every pillar of the judicial verdict is founded on the basis of the public opinion and once the public may start losing its trust in the system, no one can save the judicial institution from further deterioration and ultimately it is bound to collapse by its own weight. This is the high time for revival of the reputation of the judicial institution by having a new era of the set-up with the changing circumstances of the social coordination.  The law and justice may not be allowed to become in mute spectator.

There is an alarming situation in dealing with the law and order by the administration.  The old ideology that right is might, is prevalent in the present circumstances.  It is an irony of the circumstances that in the proceeding for keeping peace and good behavior by the public and also in respect of a dispute likely to cause the breach of peace, the title of the immovable property is seldom taken into consideration by the Magistrate but the paramount consideration is given for the determination of the possession.  This power is seldom misused by the person having predominating muscle power for his assistance to usurp the property of the innocent citizens but the law remain silent spectator of the situation in which the actual owner is deprived of his valuable property right by the stronger person.  Thus there is a requirement for having some spontaneous changes in the provision dealing with the situation regarding apprehension of breech of a peace by the Magistrate.  Now coming to the other side of the picture, the law has been formulated in order to put a restrictions on the power of the Magistrate to decide the factotum of the title but the power has been deled with determination of right by the court of civil jurisdiction.  This is a hobson’s choice.  There is a counter productivity in every exercise of power and as such the law has tried to make a check and balance.  The practical approach is neither in demoralizing the innocent public from the external aggression of  the unsociable element through the production of legal provision and the interpretation thereof but to dealt with the circumstances as actual justice may be imparted in favour of the genuine person.  The matter has been left over to the Hon’ble court of the judicial hierarchy to provide a bonfide use of the power in dealing with the circumstances of the case.  The mere infraction of the provision of law may not be sufficient for envoking the jurisdiction of the constitutional court, but an endeveour is required to be seen as to whether the technicalities of the legal provision are not creating a bar to provide substantial justice to affected person in respect of the enforceability of his legal right.

The proceedings of the mutation meant for recording the name of an individual for realization of the revenue by the government and as such the same are considered as the summary proceedings.  This is a matter of astonishment that the immovable property may be recorded in the name of stranger other than the owner but the law may not provide any assistance to the actual owner.  The remedy to the true owner is by way of filling a suit of declaration or injunction as the  case may be but the revenue courts dealing with the power of recording the name of the tenure holder are not empowered to look into the title and there by to decide the rights in respect of recording the name on the basis of title.  Thus in case of transaction of the property usually made after due verification of the person recorded in revenue record or before records maintain by the municipal board but in case if the title is not vested with the person executing the sale deed than the true owner has to file a civil suit for taking the possession back from the person in whose favour the land or the property has been disposed of by the pretender/ rank usurper.

The land is acquired and the person recorded as the tenure holder may be entitled to get the compensation.  The money in lieu of the value of the land is deposited in the name of the person in whose favour the land was directed to be recorded in the mutation proceedings.  The only recourse open to innocent owner for realization of the money of compensation is by filling a suit of declaration for entitlement of such amount of compensation from the person in whose favour the land acquisition authority have handed over the money.  This is very strange situation to an individual having the actual ownership and the title in the said property.

The law of adverse possession is further having a disastrous implication to the rights of the actual owner who is occupied in respect of his job or limitation dealing  with the responsibility of a professional and the service class by deprivation and rather the surrender of their property rights.  This is again leading to the unwanted litigation to the innocent citizens.  However the law of adverse possession is still being respected by the protector of the law enforcement agencies meant with the power of maintaining the tranquillity in the public administration.  This is unnecessary a dragging of the actual owner to the unwanted litigation.

It is further a conflict by the cantina of judgement on the point of realisation of the insurance coverage to the dependent of the person after the death of the assured individual under a Life  Insurance Policy.  According to the section 39 of Life Insurance Act, the nominee may withdraw the amount of compensation but the same is attributed to legal heir and representative of the diseased.  Thus after the death of the husband, if the sister remain the nominee even after the marriage of the assured person having the insurance coverage, the compensation may be awarded by L.I.C to nominee sister and in case of strange relationship between the sister of the diseased husband and the wife of the diseased than the wife has to file to civil suit for realization of the amount of compensation.  This is wholly impractical approach as the person in need of assured amount may wait for an indefinite period to taste the fruit of the assured amount for bringing up the dependent children by the wife after the death of her husband.

A person walking on foot as pedestrian or riding through the cycle is hit by a vehicle driven rashly and negligently, then the compensation may be given to the dependent of the diseased.  However, somebody intentionally commit the murder of such person by the hit of the same vehicle intentionally to kill him, then no compensation is awardable under motor-vehicle Act.  There are the cases of custodian death and the pre-planned murder but no compensation is awarded by the State Government to the dependent of the diseased.  On the other hand the criminal case triable by the court of session or even before the Magistrate may be withdrawn unilaterally under the provision of section 321 Cr.P.C.  This is very strange that in case of intentional killing there is no responsibility upon the invader of the law by a criminal but in case of accident the liability for payment of compensation is attributed upon the owner of the vehicle.  The insurance company may be assigned with vicarious liability but there is no safeguard provided to a citizen from murder.  Thus the concept of sovereignty as dependent upon the maxim of saying that the interest of the society is a paramount consideration of the law is completely absent in the present atmosphere of our country.

The Chapter III of the constitution of India is dealing with the fundamental duty of the State Government except certain individual rights conferred under ‘Article 19 of the constitution and collective right of conscience, faith and religion under Article 25 of the constitution of India.  Although the violation of any such fundamental duty of the citizen may give them a power to file a writ petition under Article 32 and Article 226 of the constitution of India, but whether the law has made any accountability with such authority who is indulged for bypassing the law.  Thus everywhere against the arbitrary, discretionary, whimsical  action of the officer dealing with the State responsibility, the option open to an innocent citizen is to resort the protection of law by filling the suit, writ petitions and other representation  as the case may be.  The concept of the sovereinity vested with the State is not so wider as to drag the innocent citizen unnecessarily for the infringement of their valuable rights and a there is a reciprocal obligation upon the State to fix the responsibility of their officers if there are violation of the principle of equitable justice and the provision of law.  It is very strange that if an officer is guilty of committing any subordination to higher authority, he may be punished by the appointing authority in the disciplinary proceedings but there is no punishment for violating the law against such officer.  Thus in India here is no Rule of Law but the Rule of Leizure-feir, privilege orientation an the ruthless power conferred to the politician, bureaucratic and also to the criminals .   The criminal laws are explicit for the purposes of demonstrating the bonafide of law enforcement agencies.  The principle of reformation of the criminal is of no resort to check the client.  There should be a fear in the mind of the invader of the crime not to repeat the similar act as the consequences are much severe then the benefit for commission of the crime.  The victim of the crime is innocent person and as such the revenge from the accused person by the victim or the dependent of the victim, even though it may be wicked, it is of natural consequences.  We can not shut our eyes on the reality of this aspect of the picture.  The purpose of law is to provide substantive protection to the society and the social justice within empowerment of the remedy to the people at large.  Let us examine the legal history for getting the answer of these melodies.

The enacted statutes are derived from the mass of custom and traditions.  The judge made maxims are known as common law.  The other set Rules of consists of convention, understanding habbit, practice and culture which are regulated by the conduct of several  factors accumulated in nature of human being in associations with sovereign powers.  Initially the British Authority in India was established through East India Company which got charter on 31st December 1600 from Queen Elizabeth.  The company was initially empowered to formulate the reasonable laws and also to execute them to punish those criminals who violet them.  However the victory of Lord Clive in the battle of Plasi in 1757 laid down the foundation of the British Empire.  Thus the year of 1765 makes a turning point in Anglo-Indian history which may be treated as commencing the period of territorial sovereignty by the East India company.  The regulating act set up by the government of Bengal consisting of a governor-general and four other councilors in whose power the whole civil and military government of presidency of Bengal and also the government of territorial accusition and revenue in the kingdom of Bengal, Orissa was the beginning of the British Rule in India.  The presidency and concil of Bombay and Madras were subordinate to the Governor-general and the councils of Bengal which was considered to be the supreme government.  Although the civil jurisdictions of the court was extended to all the British subjects in the three provinces but the employees of the company were sued in Bengal to Governor-general and its council were empowered to enact the rules, ordinances and regulations for maintaining the good order but simultaneously and gradually after achieving the absolute power, they have  also started misusing their powers for enactment of law.  Although in the act of settlement of 1781, many changes were made in regulating the law and order situation the exemptions granted to the public servant from being protected in respect of their action in due discharge of his duty is still recognized after gaining the independence from the system of tyranny and invasion of the British Empire.  We have to get a retrospection’s on such custom and tradition after independence.

The accused person named in the F.I.R has no right to challenge the lodging of the report in the police station.  There is no anticipatory bail granted to an accused person in State of U.P.  In absence of the defence amenable to innocent person against the false concoction in a crime may lead to an irreparable loss to the reputation of a citizen.  The law recognizes the right of hearing even in certain administrative actions affecting the privilege of an individual and are having civil consequences.  There is a thin line of demarcation  between the administrative and quasi-judicial action and in such case arising of summary proceedings, the opportunity of being heard is provided but an innocent person falsely implicated in an artificial crime may not be permissible to take the defense of being an alibi at the time of commission of the said crime.  The maxim “Falsus in uno ; falsus in omnibus”.  Despite knowing this fact that the police is corrupt in our nation on account of hierarchy of the beurocrates ruling upon them, no protection has been given to an innocent person against the atrocities committed by the ruthless administration of criminal justice by the so called guardian and protector of the public at large.

There are the precedents of overruling the previous law after interpretation of the provision contain therein.  The decision of the Supreme court is having a binding effect but even the legislation has got  the power to over-rule the said precedent.  Sometime on account of various consideration and the ideology of an individual judge assigned with the responsibility for having an interpretation to the provisions of law, may be swept away by the impulsive arguments for  declaring ratio-descend which is alter after the efflux  of time and during the intervening period number of the cases are decided on the wrong judgement having the foundation of incorrect notions leading to miseries of number of the litigated but the system has yet not been evolved to provide a check and balance by the judicial system.  Here are the instances of formulation of the larger bench not only in case of the conflict of the decision but by the gradual advancement of the general law in respect of its enforceability in a particular situation.  The case of Sampat Kumar was overruled in L. Chandra kumar case after a gap of about ten years leading to a situation that this period the basic feature of the constitution of India empowering and individual for approaching the Hon'ble High Court for challenging the judgement of C.A.T remained unassailable by the poor litigants serving before the Central Government.

The substantial question of law and formulation thereof is a further dimension for imposing the restrictions upon the power of second appeal before the High Court.  It is seldom found that in concurrent finding, there is substantial injustice suffered by the litigant.  The judgement is not vitiated on the legal issues but such issues are dealt with contrary to the pleading on record.  Thus when there is a malafide intention of the subordinate court to dealt with the issue involved in a civil case, it is very difficult to get the substantial justice.  It is said that fraud and justice do not dwell together as fraud neither defend nor create any right.  In such a situation, the justice is far  away from the approach of the poor litigant who has come forward for the protection of his right before the court of law.  There are so many obstacle in the process wherein even if it is found that there is the infraction of valuable rights conferred upon a citizen but in absence of the remedy due to the rigmarole of technicalities of limitation, an other procedural justice,  he is helpless to get the enforcement of such rights from the court of law.  There should be a system in which one may espouse his cause by laying the security to certain extent for adjudication of his cause.  The maxim that if there is a right, there should be a remedy for the enforcement of such right through the process of law may be made applicable in such circumstances.

That a poor person is dying through starvation and also on account of inadequate medical facility which are inherent rights conferred to a citizen under Article 21 of the constitution of India by implication.  On the other hand, a criminal under preventive detention is provided every sort of the luxury on the cost of the public while he is confined in jail for violating the law.  If the government is incapable to provide the minimum guarantee of food and shelter and also to the employment to a qualified citizen in service, there is no justification, which may permit the State Government to invest exorbitant expenditure for maintaining the criminal through such protection.  Thus an existing structure of the society is based on the orientation of such policy which are artificial for demonstration but such policy are not meant for the protection of the citizen.

The State Government is seldom found for promulgation of the ordinance to defeat the right of the public protected through the verdict of the court of law.  There are the instances of accumulation of the disproportionate assets with the officer empowered to issue the permit, licenses and quota while having the distribution of the restricted/ essential commodity.  The moment, the citizen is not amenable to grease the palm by illegal gratification to the officers assigned with the responsibility of distributing the permit/ licenses and
And thereafter if per chance, verdict of the court is delivered in his favour then the ordinance is issued by the respective secretary in the state government just to defeat a crystal clear right in the favour of the innocent citizen.  There is nexus between the politician and bureaucrats for the distribution of the disproportionate assets amongst themselves without having any proper vigilance over
such pathetic situation prevalent in the country after the independence.

The public good is above the consideration of the individual rights.  There is a delicate balance between the rights and duties and the fundamental right are only enforceable to the extent that they may not effect the society leading to public inconvenience .  In the recent case the dimension of administrative or quasi-judicial functions were transcribed in respect of the dimension given to Article 14 and 19(2) to  19(6) of the constitution of India. (Consumer Action Group v State of Tamil Nadu 2000 S.C.C (7) 425.)  There is also are  gradual relaxation of the rigour of the rule of natural justice in Aligarh Muslim University v Mansoor Ali Khan 2000 S.C.C (7) 529.

That the Hon’ble Supreme Court has provided a dimension to the different articles in order to provide a guidelines for effective administration of justice.  It has been held that no religion prescribes that the prayer are required to be perform through voice amplifier or beating of the drum and use of microphone for the purposes of attending the religious ceremonies has been prohibited in Church of God (Full Gospel) in India v K.K.R Majestic 2000 S.C.C (7) 282.  Thus despite the mandate by issuing the writ of mandamus by the Hon’ble Supreme Court to the administration at large in the public interest litigation’s through judicial activism, nothing has been taken as granted  to the public even after declaring the same as the law of the nation.  Thus the judicial procedure, which is based on a tedious process is required to be provided by fool prove system  for the benefit of the public.  The comedy of error does not lie in our celebrated principles but since there is a complete erosion of the fear from the mind of the citizen indulge in violating the law and there is no machinery to make a control upon the simple invasion of such right, the public is bound to adhere what is given to it by the grace of the public servant.

The other aspect of the picture is that the officers in the public administrations have become so privilege oriented that they have forgotten that they are the servant of the public.  They are the incidents which were highlighted during the reign of British Empire when the Indians were treated as the slaves but  still there was the respect to the right of the Indians in respect of enforcement of their privilege conferred in accordance with law.  There was I.C.S officer namely Lobho Prabhu posted as D.M., who was assigned with the responsibility to get the recruitment over the land of the farmer betaken away from the clutches of Jamidaar in the area.  The D.M. used to visit on the site of the encroachment and it was only there after that the actual verdict is pronounced in presence of the affected parties in presence of public at large and nobody was supposed to carry on an  illegal occupation.  The grounds of appeal were limited only to extent of malafide intention of the judicial officer in carrying on his duties and as such there was an  allegation labeled against such I.C.S officer to the  extent that since he has accepted the feast given in the honour of the officer by the poor farmer by offering the Rohu fishes and as such the verdict given In the case in vitiated.  The defense taken at privi council of England that since the public is the subject of the crown and the I.C.S officer is the servant of the crown and as such it was not within the power of servant even to provide sentimental breakdown to the public.  The mere allegation of accepting the post decisional bribe in the form of the feast was  nothing else then to protect the sentiment of a poor litigant who was given substantive justice after a prolonged litigation against the Zamindar.  Thus there is the definition of the judicial functioning of the British period which is completely changed in the present atmosphere after the independence of our country.

The people are scared to make a contact with a police officer as there is a fear in the mind of the public that in case if they proceed to approach a police officer, this may ultimately by resultant in implication of the false case of criminal nature and there after an association with the harden criminals if they are send to the jail.  This phenomenon is sufficient to drag an individual in the esteem of crime once the hesitation in particular from remaining aloof from the realm of criminal activities is taken away from the psychology of an individual.

The system of criminal trial based participation of the witness is also full of contradiction to provide substantive justice to an innocent person from the court of law.  It is totally dependent upon the dimension of the evidence adduce before a court of law that the punishment is awarded  to a citizen sometime even on the sole testimony of a witness.  Can we trust a system where the crime is committed in the complete animosity at the dead of night  when no one has actually seen the commission of the crime.  The police on the basis of mere suspicion and sometime on the basis of the information received from the public/ informer may get an innocent person dragged in the crime.  There is no other criteria left open for the police when the entire burden is casted upon the prosecution to prove a crime and onus is seldom shifted upon the accused person to prove his innocence.  Can the police administration assigned with the responsibility may discharge such duties without having a fool proof machinery to dealt with the criminal.  In absence of having a drastic measurement for adopting the deterrent theory of punishment, there will be no fear in the mind of the criminal and the crime will continue uninterruptedly without any check by the present administration of justice.  The system of punitive theory of punishment with the better responsibility of the citizen indulged in the crime is required to be administered in the society.

Thus the eradication of the prevailing melody is not dependent upon any set principle of law, nor the same could be given effect by the enactment of further stringent provisions of law but the same is required to be implemented by a major overhauling of the system.  Till a determination of the iron will of the society and the administrator is not sound enough to override the personal benefit sacrificed for the benefit of the society, there can not be any change by the mere enforcement of the provision of the

“He who having sworn by solemn oath at his coronation to protect the people from wrongful operation , fail to do so should be slain as a mad dog ---                                                   Mahabharat
Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a  temple with all doors shut ? He is there where the tiller is tilling the hard ground and where the path maker is breaking stones. Put off the Holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil.
The distress of Mahatma Gandhi on the wake of partition of Indian continent may still be heard from a distant voice calling to the people to unite and the unity in diversities may provide India’s survival as  a nation before partition which depends on a wider vision of unity based on inter-dependence based on the sub continents and secularism  and social justice. Let us try to hear again how distressed Mahatma ji was at the turn of events on the wake of partition:
“ So far it was my desire to live upto the age of one hundred and twenty five years , but now I have no such desire . The objective before me was not just to attain freedom , but also to remove all the social ills in the society which had pestered during the 200 years of the British Rule. They have practically divested us of our traditions of tolerance and harmony and instead fomented hatred and discord through their communal policies . I had thought that we could change the entire system and the people of this country and would live together as brothers in love, harmony and peace, so that coming generations may be blessed with all of that , which we have been deprived of. Therefore in addition to the freedom of my country , the primary objective of my life was maintenance of  cordial relations  between Hindus and Muslims since I could not  attain my objective , this freedom has become tainted .Today when I see Hindus and Muslims separated with more or less permanent gulf , I feel politically and spiritually defeated . I have no desire to live any longer …….when I cannot remove this mutual hatred and ill will between Hindus and Muslims , and cannot create feeling of love peace and harmony in name of God and religion , you tell whether there is any point in my living any more ? I would prefer death to this kind of life.”

amoeba has taken place the birth on this earth.
the theory of evaluation of life is the subsequent process.
the vital question for consideration for our human being is to the effect as to whether the same process is a mere co-incident at the time of the birth of an individual. there is the generating of the heat in the process of life when the idea is exchanged. these ideas ultimately become the process of reproduction. there is the combination of the molecule again in the similar process. thereafter the creation of the zygote inside the ovary of the female. thus if we consider the life being originated from the ocean, whether the penetration of the sperm in the egg is also the starting point of the theory of reproduction. ultimately the life is converted into a reality when the living organism took place in the process. we forget that the existence of our life is similar to the creation of the universe. thus we start thinking for our survival. the struggle is of no significance because it continue for some period and thereafter it vanishes from its origin and thereafter the human being realizes that his existence is for the time being.
this was a mere co-incident that a particular ‘y’ chromosome was penetrated in the egg and meet with ‘x’ chromosome. thereafter the process of life started. the shape and the identity of the person are concentrated on particular genes. when our existence is of such a small molecule from where we can get ourselves being recognised with some identity. this is the illusion of life when we claim for the recognition of our existence. the creation of the false existence is a direct assault on the identity of the power that has created our life. even if we deny taking into our identity, the very existence of god, but still the value of the life cannot be put to any doubt for always being a controlling factor over the living being.
this is the starting point of our wisdom. the moment we give up to our intelligentsia through logical perceptions by converting it from analysis by observation, the reality of truth comes to the memory. this process ultimately lead to an individual from committing any sin as the repercussion of the same may be detrimental to one’s own existence. no body will like to loose his own existence for the mere satisfaction of his egoistic nature. thus ultimately we use to connect ourselves from some controlling power and thereafter the existence of god comes to our conscience. this is the ultimate truth of life.
history of man is one long search for god. however, we cannot subscribe to the theologian’s theory of god. life is the image of god, which is essentially a spiritual being. if the equation of life is taken into consideration, there can be no doubt that the man cannot eternally remain forgetful of his spiritual nature. then he will find out his self.
time is having three-dimensional picture, in which, there are certain memories of the past having it’s permanent impact on the way of thinking; the present as we have visualised it from such angle; and the future with our expectation to be fulfilled. thus in this process, we may sidetracked from our inherent characteristics and may start challenging the time-honoured customs. the reckless spirit of defiance of well-established sacred principle becomes the way of life. there is the open crusade against the religion. there is no religion equal to it’s potential, in which, there may be compassion for the animals and birds, truthfulness in the behaviour and love for the fellow being. thus the religion is based on the philosophy of brotherhood and spiritual cult of life. the places, where there is the program organised to slaughter the animals, as that of giving the sacrifices to the deity, these are not the places of religion but these are slaughterhouses.
i have known the truth, but you can not know it. this is the preaching of every prophet. there lies their greatness. thus they bring down the highest truth to the door of every man but never allow it to reach to such man. this is the religion of life. the true religion, which may be achieved through spiritual knowledge, seeks the truths of the inner world.
bondage is of the mind, and freedom also is of the mind. a man is free if he constantly thinks and feels: i am a free soul. life and death are in the mind of the man. thus one should have a burning faith in god. he may feel that he has no bondage .he will fellow the instruction of the god.
Judiciary is in the deep turmoil of nepotism, favoritism, opportunist power seeker and privilege orientations system having elevations for corrupt non germane and incompetent lawyers as Judges of High Court and Supreme Court. MY REQUEST TO THE NEXALITIES FOR NOT TAKING THE LAW IN THEIR HAND BY KIDNAPPING THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL for ransom That should agitate along with other patriotic citizen from June 2012 and May resolve The Power of Check and provide a Curb upon power of Comptroller And Account General Is Taken way By Act No. 59  of 1996 and different Government Came but this power of C& AG had not been Restored. ??? Don’t Pay the Tax As Are the Precedents in the Past During TAX EVASION OF NAMAK TODO ANDOLAN  as the TAX exemption is not within it’s domain As the Citizens of India are Still Slave dynasty made by the Conspiracy of NEHRU GANDHI NEXUS with Shrewd Bruisers playing havoc with non violent HINDUS, providing patronage to Anti Nationalist Forces and traitors Politicians. 
There is the Extravagance of the power of CONTROLLER AND ACCOUNT GENERAL. THIS IS AGAINST THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF CONSTITUTION . OUR CONSTITUTITION IS BORROWED THROUGH GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT, 1935 and 1945 . THERE WAS THE COMMUNAL REPRESENTATION TO MUSLIMS. MUSLIMS HAD STARTED demanding their separate STATE, but the appeasement given in our constitution by Muslims deceptive identities of Gandhi Nehru Nexus, Mamuna Begum nee Indira Priya Darshani Nehru Gandhi having their ancestor’s in GYSSUDDIN GAZI got manipulation by introducing the INDIAN INDEPENDENCE ACT, 1947. Under Section 3 of the Said act of Independence of Said enactment, Every Act, which was in existence of ruling our nation was adhered by Corrupt Gandhi Nehru Nexus Politics, Gandhi Was Bisexual. Nehru Was Bastard having sex with Mountbatten wife and her daughter at the same time. Thus we have become Slave, Not by Politics of Bruisers, But by Bastards and Debauch Politicians  Ruling Our Nation .     Do'nt pay the Tax to any authority, till the power taken by politicians during emergency in INDIRA GANDHI nee MAMUNA BEGUM w/O FIROZ KHAN AND CONCUBINE OF MOHHAMAD YUNUS, WHO happened to be the father of Mr. Sanjay Gandhi, allegedly murdered for Swiz Bank account by the same lady having deceptive Identity to the Indians, may not be restored to Controller and Accountants General. The row played by Mr. A. K. Antoney is planned to get another deal like Bofores for the purchase of Tank and other Military Equipment after realising hand some Commission. This Lady happened to be involved in the conspiracy of elimination Mr. Sanjay Gandhi , is suspected Killer of sri  Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, and her Husband Mr. Rajiv Gandhi

Judiciary is giving  TAX exemption to VODAFONE COMPANY being the tagging to the Foreign Company Exempted from Tax Liability is a Device to ruin the NATION. The corrupt Judges are elevated as you might have seen in case of Justice Dr. Satish Chandra, having no Statutory Qualification of having being Practicing from last 15 years as An Advocate. You might have seen the C.D. on You Tube that the Spokes man of Congress is getting oral sex from the lady having desire to become the Judge of High Court and Supreme Court. If High Court Judges Are This Background, What Dispersion of Justice , we May Expect From Them. However Sri S. H. Kapadia Now the CJI given him the Clean Chit. Sri P. H. Pareekh , Ex president of Supreme Court Bar Association was having a Caucus of Money gurgled By having a HUMAN RIGHT SOCIETY in his CHAMBER from where the Cheques of Exorbitant Amounts of Car ores of Rupees, For which I have already Lodged the Complaints to President Of India. Our President of India is literally  a Puppet, whose brother was was bankrupt and earlier  liquidated In Wine Business, Than she resorted Political Protection from Indira Gandhi alias Mamuna Begum W/O Firoz Khan and also of Mohammad Yunus, giving birth to two sons from different father. She Became Cook in the Kitchen of Gandhi Faimly and thus She was Inducted as President of INDIA. SHAME TO THE INDIANS. OUUR prime Minister, If being asked that what is the Multiplier of 2 with 2, he says that He knows but for replying the correct Answer of 4 to the People, he has to take Permission from Sanio Manio of Turin alias Antonio Mani o D/O Stefeno , the 2 nd World war Criminal Marrying the KGB agent In Russia. ARE WE HAVE NOT BEING RIGHTLY CLASSIFIED AS IDIOT BY SINGAPORE DIPLOMAT, ELSE WE SHOULD ELIMINATE THEM FROM NATIONAL POLITICS